Growth Summit Terms & Conditions
The 2025 Growth Summit, both in-person and virtual.
Likeness / Photo / Video Consent
By attending the Event, I hereby acknowledge and agree to grant Elevar the right at the Event to record, film, photograph, or capture my likeness in any media now available. I grant Elevar permission to use my likeness in a photograph, video or other medium in any and all of its publications, including website entries, or promotional materials without payment or any other consideration.
I understand and agree that these materials containing my likeness will become the property of Elevar and will not be returned, nor do I have a right to a copy of the images. I hereby irrevocably authorize Elevar to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute my likeness for any lawful purpose.
You can opt out of this consent by simply emailing [email protected].
Once you complete registration please email Events with your request.
By attending the Growth Summit, virtually or in-person, you are authorizing your registration information to be shared with Elevar and the Summit Sponsors and agree to receive communications from such Sponsors, which are subject to that Sponsor’s privacy practices, including their privacy statement or policy.
Attendees who wish to stop receiving subsequent communications from Sponsors must opt-out with them directly.